Once a star and back - Imagevideo "change for a moment" by Rüdiger Guhl
A dancer who experiences a metamorphosis to the beat of the music; snapshots of inconspicuous people who suddenly present themselves as professionally styled models; a young man who slips into the role of a dazzling drag queen - and in the middle of it all, a guy in a hat who skillfully handles make-up, brushes and eyeliner. This "guy" - in the truest sense of the word - is Rüdiger Guhl: photographer and make-up artist from Hamm. With his image video, he wants to draw attention to the special styling program he created, change for a moment.
"Dear Rudi, what made you decide to have this video shot?"
Rüdiger Guhl:
"I have wanted an image video for a long time that draws attention to my makeup artistry in a short, impressive and, above all, professional way. change for a moment is a matter of the heart. With this special program I want to prove that the stars and starlets of the film and television industry are not superhumans; that every person can transform into a dazzling personality. There is a diamond in each and every one of us that can be made to shine with the necessary know-how. Those who internalize this often go through life more satisfied and in tune with themselves."
"You already launched change for a moment twelve years ago. Why is the video only coming now?"
Rüdiger Guhl:
"Well - such a video shoot is altogether no piece of cake. Photography is one of my greatest passions, along with make-up art. So I know how many factors have to come together to achieve a perfect result with photos. With a film, the whole thing is even more difficult. First of all, the financial means have to be available. Basically, it was a happy coincidence that gave me the opportunity to fulfill my wish. The young and extremely talented broadcast and media production company Hometown Creations from Dortmund was looking for a make-up specialist for drag stylings. The transformation of a student into a drag queen was to be shown in a music video. Based on a recommendation from the drag scene, the guys from Hometown Creations, Jan Eric Hühn and Alex Schuchmann, ended up with me. I agreed immediately, but only on the condition that I finally get my much longed for image video. And that's how the story took its course."
"The video lasts just 1.26 minutes. What kind of preparations did you have to make?"
Rüdiger Guhl:
"Yes - it's brutal when you consider the time ratio from actual effort to finished product! I am an incorrigible perfectionist. So it was in my interest to take almost all the preparations into my own hands. But the selection of the twelve models alone was a challenge. I wanted to stage as many different types of women as possible. In addition, it was immensely important to me that there be a drag transformation. So I cast via Facebook over several weeks and was ultimately able to win over twelve completely different personalities ranging in age from 22 to 60."
"Great! Then there was nothing standing in the way of a smooth shoot, was there?"
Rüder Guhl:
"Basically not. After all, the guys from Hometown Creations had proven with the music video that they really had it! Nevertheless, there was one difficulty for me: I had to learn to relinquish control. As I said before, I'm a perfectionist. That's why I like to keep the reins in my own hands when it comes to my work. Above all, the contact with my models after the transformation, i.e. at the subsequent photo shoot, is immensely important to me. Because at change for a moment I deal primarily with people who have never experienced themselves "as a star". Their emotions can be on a roller coaster when they see themselves transformed in the mirror for the first time. I then act not only as a photographer, but also as a spiritual support and help to give the feelings the necessary space. But in this case I could not take on this essential role. On the first day of shooting, I was busy with make-up and hairdressing and had to trustfully hand over the "finished" ladies into Jan Eric's hands. I really had a problem with that ... Only on the second day of shooting, when the shots of dancer Annka Westbrock and drag queen Christian Zdlr were made, I could be there from time to time. In general, the "assembly line make-up" on the first day of shooting was a challenge for me. Ten complete hair and makeup stylings in ten hours - that was hardcore! I felt totally drained that night. My creative batteries were completely drained."
"Luckily, all that effort paid off. You revealed to us that lots of tears were shed when you first saw the finished video. Was there another particularly beautiful or moving moment?"
Rüdiger Guhl:
"Oh yes! I'm a very emotional person and make no secret of it when tears come to my eyes from joy or emotion. I was really overjoyed when Jan Eric and Alex presented me with the finished video. The guys had really managed to convey the message of change for a moment in a compact, wonderfully aesthetic music video. So you can imagine how touched and also how insanely proud I was. But beyond that, there was one moment during the shoot that really burned itself into my memory: the moment when Annka started dancing in front of the camera! Annka is my artist neighbor; her studio in the Radbod artists' district is right across the street from mine. So we've known each other for quite a long time. I knew she was a great dancer, but I've known her primarily as a hip-hop dancer and as a dance teacher for kids. When on the second day of shooting she suddenly started with her incredibly beautiful expressive dance, to the music of a very touching song, she really flashed me! I could only stand there in amazement - and once again let my tears run free!"
"Dear Rudi, we thank you very much for this interview and wish you continued success, fulfillment and many touching moments in all that you do! Is there anything else you would like to leave HBM readers with?"
Rüdiger Guhl:
"Always be aware that you are a precious, lovable one-of-a-kind! Love and appreciate yourself in a healthy way so that you can pass this love and appreciation on to others. There is a diamond inside of you - and you can make it shine at any time!
Thank you very much and all the best
Rüdiger Guhl
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Kulturrevier Radbod
an den Fördertürmen 4
59075 Hamm
Make Up course
Styling (Make Up/Hair)
Oil painting on customer request
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